Friday, June 26, 2009

Ushuaia, Argentina

From Tralew to Ushuaia i spent 33 hours on a bus and it was a bloody nightmare, its just too long on a bus, even if it is a cama.
My good mate Jon which i originbally met in San Cristobal in Mexico. So from the top of Latin America to the bottom, south point of the world, close to the Antartica.
I ran a kilometer home and little thugs set a doberman on me and he attacked me, he gave me a little bite but he did´nt like the taste and other dogs forced him to back off... it was little knick but the fecker pinched the skin.
Full of entusiasm as we got ready for some hitch hiking, clearly i have prepared the appropriate clothing for the weather.
We struck gold and got a free lift.
Heating up in los Cotoras, cabins beside the ski slopes.
The customers in the other cabins were not pleased too see my cheap ass in a poncho
I soon rented ski gear
I was delighted with the accomodation, thanks Maria. Initially i thought it was hostle but it turned out to be expensive lodges that we got cheap due to low season, loved the log fire and turned out we were the only lodge which had it :) Santa´s dogs Cerro Castor, for some ski-ing before my b-day.
Tha cabin owner at los cotoras, Ushuaia.
Check me out on the slopes, i even conquered a few black slopes but the second day was not so impressive...
Time to party it up for my 26th birthday
The End of the night/start of the morning lol
When i was walking back home to my hostle i bumped into a guy slapping his partner around, i asked her if she was ok but she didnt want any help, after intimidating the guy by saying hardly anything he eventually calmed down. I pretented to call the police and felt there was no more i could do.
Most random poster below
Jon messing around
The place certainly has some issues as the beating is apprently common according to locals but i loved Ushuaia, even if it was freezing but i must say it certainly is the "end of the world" lol
If you missed the last post, take a look as it´s pretty cool
If not leave a comment por favor

Friday, June 19, 2009

Puerto Madryn and Gaiman, Argentina

Absolutly nobody around Puerto Madryn in June but that did´nt stop me ,)
Puerto Madryn baby.
The videos say it all, watch them all they are well worth it.
Frozen fingers but right whales were spectacular in Peninsula Valdes.
Sea lions Peninsula Valdes
Elephant Seal Peninsula Valdes
Steak all round, good man Adrian, after we hit kareoke, hillarious stuff.
James from Blanch giving it socks, (,,,note.... i didnt put up any videos of me lol )
To cure the heavy hangover we traveled to Gaiman for some splendid welsh tea. Its a tiny town beside Rawson which was is a town called after an Irish guy who organised the local welsh ancestors to emigrate to Argentina.